MIVS 2020 Recap

Welcome back! A happy New Year and happy MAGFest to all!

I'd like to send a warm 'Thank you' to everyone who tried out our little game and gave us feedback over the full four days of MAGFest. Your honesty and passion helped us take massive strides towards realizing the best version of Pharos imaginable.

It was amazing watching everyone run through our introductory scenario: exploring ruins, killing slimes, and dealing with everyone's favorite tyrant: King Gordian. Oh, he definitely left an impression on each and every one of you. I'm just happy that you guys enjoyed playing the demo as much as we enjoyed creating it.

Dan and I have big plans for the next few months. We are working on creating a final demo that will contain a complete vertical slice of everything possible on the first island. We hope to have this demo online once it is ready. Work and life events will probably end up slowing us down here and there but we're going to try to realize a perfect slice of Pharos that everyone can keep and play while we form the rest of the game's content. We have a long journey ahead of us. I hope you'll watch our progress and keep us honest while we bring it all together!


(Please enjoy our picture recap of the weekend below)


Wow! That is a lot of slime farming!

Day 1: Setup & Bugs

Booth setup, how does it work?
All the other awesome booths around us at MIVS
Not shown from this angle: me sweating and praying the game doesn't crash!

Day 2: It Got Better

Nothing like two pages of bugs and coffee in the morning 😁
Promotional Material
This build was much more stable than the day before

Day 3: We're Not Dead Yet!

Everyone was looking for an inventory screen, so we added one into the game build by Day 2
Look carefully: crossover potential perhaps?

Day 4: Teardown & Goodbyes

It was tiring. It was stressful. It was worth it.
Until next year, MIVS! 🙂